Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The article is very compelling and very interesting I thought.  I always enjoy reading these, they are all very inspirational and eye opening.  I thought it was interesting that the very first point of the entire reading was the one that struck me the hardest.  "What's your problem?"  is the title of the very first topic.  It also then starts with a very good quote from George Elliot saying "It's never too late to be who you might have been."  I really enjoyed this statement and part of the reading because I think that my personal weaknesses always seem to get the best of me.  The fact that other people judge me, think of the things I do, or in this case, don't do,  is something that really hurts and kills me.  However, the author provides some solid information on how to go about your weaknesses, and what should be done in terms of self-improvement.  First he talks about the need to fix weaknesses, then to build on strengths, then to approach both.  In this idea, it is important to build on strengths and fix weaknesses.  Growing up, I was certainly on great at all subjects.  In elementary school,  I was better at science and math, and not so good at English and history.  It is pointed out that when someone is not as good at some sort of subject, then they are pointed out and shown to approach it differently or at another angle.  The fact of fixing weaknesses while excelling in your strengths I believe is very important, and I feel as if I could use this in my own life very effectively.
    The second part, which I think somewhat connects to the first part.  Is "Foundation: Build on your strengths"  I have had talents growing up as well.  Compared to all of my friends,  I have always been the good drawer, artist, and creative mind.  Today, I am a decent photographer, artist still, and musician.  And it is always exciting to be able to work on something that you are naturally good at.  "It feels good"  something that the author explains, which is very practical.  When I edit videos and pictures. i feel an adrenaline rush.  Something that other activities dont do to me.  And I an truly ecstatic to pursue in this as my career when i am older.  Over all, what this part of the article has taught me.  Was that i need to not overlook the things that I am good at.  And that I need to continue to go forward and express myself through these talents that I already have.  Because they are fun to me.  So why focus on anything else?
    The last part that I really enjoyed was the part that was entitled "Freak: The Power of Uniqueness" The author talks about the leaning tower of Pisa, and how its uniqueness brought millions of dollars of revenue and popularity. I think that being unique is extremely important in the media industry.  This is what makes the creative industry creative.  If it were not creative, then the entire field would be almost identical.  It just takes one person to step out of the box and to do something different that sets the bar for an entire new playing field.  This entire class has given me a new approach to being unique.  Through the labs I have learned to do my own thing and to not conform to what other people generally do.  One must separate him or herself from the crown, and this is what the creative industry is all about.  Because of this I plan on always trying to do the opposite or something very polarly different than what people expect.  Because it is what people do not expect, that they remember.

I hope to fix my weaknesses in the future.  Mostly reading and following directions can be a problem for me because I am always so tempted to do what feels right to me.  But through practice and schooling, i am hopeful that this will improve and change as I get older and more experienced.  I really wish I could be more accepting and open towards others ideas too.  Sometimes I feel as if my weakness is wanting to do things my way, and not how others think would be appropriate, because what makes sense in my mind seems like the most and best ideas.  Unless I take charge, things may not go as I plan.  Which brings me to another point of my strength,  I believe my leadership is something very noteworthy, and I am very pleased on how I can lead others.  
Over all this was a great article, and I will definitely save this one and use it as a reference as I get older to help my creative mind expand.

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